22 January 2009

Tag tue kene jawab Questionnaire ke?

What is your name?
saiful azman mohd yusop

How old are you?

What are the 3 electronics you can’t live without?
laptop je kot..lagi 2 tak payah pon aku ok

Are you amazing?
tak..sedang menjadi amazing macam ustaz amirul

What is the brand of the phone you are using?
SE 910i

What color is your phone?
Warne kulit sombox

Have you slept in school before?
Saya tak suka tidur(HUHU..kan DAVID?)

How long are you online in a day?
Monday-Friday= 8.30am-11.00am
Saturday-Sunday=tak online

How would you describe yourself?
Comel. Pandai Menggoda. Sexy. Hati-hati Kawan dengan Saya

What’s your favourite topic to talk about?
Budak Naik Basikal

Which teacher do you like?
Cikgu Mandarin Aku, Mr. Lee..Mengajar Mandarin menggunakan lagu. Sungguh berjaya!! Nie she' shen me ming xe? Wo ciao Saiful.

Who do you think is the most handsomest in your class?
Erk, nak gambo?die suruh letak gambo die. owh..takley, nanti im martina tergoda. Die kan yakin dia lagi comel dari Naruto. So, bley ngorat budak hensem neh.

Who are you currently aiming on?
Aiming on what? ape pnye soalan daa...tak complete

Do you know a lot of your siblings’ secret?
Owh..adik aku player..aku taw

How do you rate your siblings?

Are your siblings gorgeous?
kami adik beradik hensem. Ya. silakan kutuk..

Do you judge people?
Yes, I do. I have to. If not, how can I take that fellow to be my worker?

Do you run?
No. saya sayang lemak saya. I love u bb..muah!!

Are you lazy to tag people?
saya tataw

Who was the last person you spoke on the phone?
Mark Yun. Shell MDS Technologist.

What is 2 + 2?
4 la..ape daa..adam pon bley jawab. Tapi dalam terms contract 2+2 means 2 years contract with extented of 2 years

Who is your idol?
Ustaz Amirul

Are you a monster?
tak..kete aku monster. Kuikui

Do you play with Barbie dolls?
erk?saya lelaki. saya hanya main ultraman semasa kecik

What was the last movie you watched?
Yes Man..

What do you think of your English?
Worse and Severe grammatical error. Tak caye pi tanye Boss aku. Die la tolong betulkan report2 aku.

What do you think about your Bahasa Malaysia?

Who do you hate?
Bad people.

Do you love yourself?

Blurt out 5 random words ~
rara riri ruru rira rara

People I tag
mcm mane nak tag orang? tolong ajar..sesape..tolong terangkan tag tue menatang ape..ape fungsi tag?


Anonymous said...

Complete... boleh buat resume... hik hik

iM MartiNez said...

comel...sexy...menggoda...that's soooo right!!! mayb should add makin menggoda...adik beradik encem? akak ng amy pn kire encem ke? ckp la cantik n encem...huhuhu...
sape bdk encem dlm kelas tuh...bkn kamu ke? =) comel la ...muah!

admin said...

tag tu adalah mende merepek...camne nak wat? ko listkan nama orang ko nak tag dalam post tag ko tu. ko masuk je blog sapa2 yg ko list pastu soh dia wat tag..tapi ikut suka dia aa nak wat ke tak...ahahahaha

Donut said...

mcm bodoh je tag itu..tak nak la buat..hikhik

Anonymous said...

aku tag ko bulat. hehe, cam bodoh jer1

Anonymous said...

aku google model hp ko..
asal tah..hahahahahah..

Anonymous said...

donat..aku ingt ko gurl!hahaha..

Donut said...

owh..saya lelaki kacak lah

Anonymous said...

update lerr bro..btw, dlm ur blog nih byk sgt sebut name ameng..sape tuh? gf? r u a fan of dat person? sile letak sket muke ameng tuh nk tgk!!ngeh2..jgn lupe kim slm same itu ameng ye..mesti die cun kan?